
DefProc Engineering Joins Hydrogen Innovation Challenge

We’re delighted to reveal that DefProc Engineering is one of ten finalists in the Hydrogen Innovation Challenge. The programme is a collaborative effort by Sustainable Ventures, CPI (Centre for Process Innovation, part of the HVMC (High-Value Manufacturing Catapult) and the Hydrogen Innovation Initiative (HII), supported by Innovate UK. The challenge brings together hydrogen innovators across the North West of England with solutions to accelerate hydrogen adoption. 

Businesses had to be based or operating in the North West, eager to decarbonise or adopt innovative technologies within the hydrogen supply chain, and committed to collaborating with leading hydrogen innovators through trials, partnerships and demonstrations to qualify for the challenge. 

Over the next few months, DefProc will receive tailored support from Sustainable Ventures to drive development and build partnerships for our Smart Gas Pressure Sensor. We will also present our solution to regional end-users and potential partners at the Innovation Showcase Event in December. The companies joining DefProc on the Hydrogen Innovation Challenge are Compact Syngas Solutions, Hydrologiq, Wild Hydrogen, Parallel Carbon, HyWaves, ULEMCo, Genuine H2, Nium and The First Element. Together, we will revolutionise hydrogen technology and the pathway to net zero in the North West. 

DefProc’s solution

The Smart Gas Pressure Sensor is a monitoring device that detects low-pressure gas supply at consumer properties, activating a shut-off valve to isolate and protect both the end-user and the wider network.

Key facts:

  • Suitable for use with natural gas, 100% hydrogen and blended supply. 
  • Fills the expected market need for monitoring supply pressure. 
  • Provides unprecedented visibility across the gas network using near-real-time data retrieval at the point of supply in consumer homes. 
  • Saves time and reduces costs compared to current manual reset procedures if there is a low-pressure incident.

Learn more about Smart Gas.

What’s next?

This year has been an exciting journey for DefProc. We were one of only five companies in the UK chosen for the first Digital Catapult Hydrogen Sensor Accelerator Programme. Over an intensive eight-week period, we gained valuable insights into the rapidly advancing hydrogen sensor market. This programme also offered an opportunity to pitch our Smart Gas Pressure Sensor device to industry decision-makers. Our journey continued at the Hydrogen Innovation Showcase in July, presenting a rapid-fire pitch and exhibiting Smart Gas over the two-day event. It’s a privilege to share our pioneering solution with others and receive such positive feedback! We’re looking forward to continuing our work to help decarbonise the energy sector.

Are you looking for an innovation partner to develop your idea or technology into a market-ready product? Get in touch to arrange a discovery call.

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